The allure of “issues du jour” with Junk Science leading the way, inexperienced media personnel in decimated news organizations, politicized coverage of non-political issues and the world of social media have changed forever how consumers and thought leaders get information. This radical transformation of the function, goals, and structure of traditional news gathering and delivery makes communications campaigns a challenge. It makes interface with key audiences more challenging and necessitates using new tactics.
Today's Issues Affecting Communications
The News Media is completely different than it was four years ago.
History, Success, and New Challenges
Kroeger Associates was founded in 1988 and has been a leading small agency helping pharmaceutical, chemical, and power generation organizations execute successful outreach efforts. We’re proud—and grateful—to have represented some of the leading companies in their business sectors. Our approaches have adapted to the needs of each client during economic booms and busts, challenges associated with attitudinal changes, and approaches in outreach activities. But the fundamentals are the same: We deliver excellent results on minimal budgets given the size of the efforts. We work with extraordinarily gifted professionals. We translate complex ideas into information that anyone can understand. We know as much about our clients’ customers as they do. We generate compelling information thought leaders need and can’t otherwise easily find. We are partners in our clients’ successful positioning in their respective marketplaces, with regulators, and with influencers.
Who we are
Kroeger Associates personnel know your business and its challenges. They come from varied backgrounds and work as a team to deal with issues.
Critical skills include:
- Award-winning copy and communications in multiple channels
- Marketing and audience analysis
- Healthcare expertise and relationships
- Public health experience
- Strategic planning, strategic thinking
- Global vision with community focus
- Minority outreach
- Low literacy communications
- Communications training for experts and management members
- Community relations
- Disaster planning & management
- Working with regulatory restrictions
- Government relations